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Expert-Level Software for Adjustments, Cost Approach, and More
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"Garbage In, Garbage Out"

Using the Extraction Method to Perform Market-Based Adjustments
Show Your Math
Does the Depreciated Cost Method work? You bet your assessment it does! And we can prove it. Not only does Appraiser Toolkit put math on your side, it also provides supporting documentation that puts all questions to rest. Your numbers will be grounded in market-based reality, not pulled out of your assets. From now on, it’s “my adjustments are bulletproof, and I can prove it.”
Learn More About the Math
How Would Toolkit Handle This?
Struggling with a challenging subject or weird comps? Get expert guidance from Aloft’s Chief Appraiser, Hansel Dobbs.
Submit you questions and let Hansel guide you through how to do proper adjustments using Appraiser Toolkit.
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Mini Watson
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse porttitor sem augue, id faucibus turpis pulvinar quis. Mauris cursus mauris nunc, vitae pharetra magna suscipit sit amet. Mauris lorem lorem, pharetra sit amet sodales id, sagittis id turpis. Nulla nec blandit nisl.
Joshua Hobbs
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse porttitor sem augue, id faucibus turpis pulvinar quis.
Athena Mullen
Meet Our Appraiser of the Week!

Floyd Tillery
I had a difficult waterfront property that was complicated by an ADU and some outbuildings. I used Appraiser Toolkit to help me get the right answers. Here’s how.